Muskegon River Spring Steelhead Trips
Spring is a great time to be outdoors in Michigan as both plant and wildlife come alive with the warming days of April and May.
Beginning in March, thousands of Lake Michigan steelhead search out their native rivers to migrate up and spawn in. Some Muskegon River steelhead who either stayed in the river system after the fall run or trickled in during the months of January and February, will be the first to search out the right habitat and spawn. The annual spring spawning run on Michigan’s Muskegon River continues well into May in certain years, with water flow and temperature helping dictate the length of the run.

Steelhead are essentially a big rainbow trout that are born in the Muskegon River, live there for a year and then head out to Lake Michigan to fatten up on various food sources. Once in their third year, they’re sexually mature enough to successfully spawn and do so that year, as well as one additional year. Since they don’t die after spawning like their Michigan big game counterpart the Chinook salmon, they are available to the fly fisher before, during and after the spawning process.

Spring Trout Trips
Spring trout is a very anticipated time of the year for trout for the fishery. The most exciting hatch of the year, the gray drake, occurs in late May and extends into the first week or two in June. Heavy spinner falls produce fantastic dry fly fishing, casting to large browns sipping spent adults. There are other great hatches that occur during this time of the year as well which include: cinnamon caddis, sulphurs, little olive caddis, isonychias, and tricos.

Book Your Trip Now
$100 per boat per day via credit card is required for booking dates
Cancellation Policy
Deposit is non-refundable for trips cancelled less than 60 days prior to date of arrival.
Balance of trip is owed for trips cancelled 14 days or less from date of arrival.
For specific questions, please contact Jay Allen via phone or email:
M: (307) 690-2962